Ken Morris
Lawrence is my home. My roots are firmly planted as a 4th generation Lawrencian, 3rd generation Chesty Lion, and my two daughters are each 5th generation Jayhawks. You can count on my love for Lawrence, including its unique history, to be an advantage when selling, or purchasing, your Home.
I have been in sales my entire life, focusing always on delivering the best care to my clients. Starting at 14, my first 7 years were spent as an employee for my father in our family sporting goods store on Massachusetts Street, Morris Sports. I started a local commercial silk-screening company that focused on team, college bookstore and ski resort sales in 1981. In 1989, I started my career with Stephens Real Estate, quickly becoming a consistent ‘top producer’ for 21 years, leaving to pursue a new career in 2010 with a corporate 100 insurance company, again rising to a ‘top producer’ status.
My goal has always been to finish my work career where I started, in Lawrence, doing what I have enjoyed doing best. Coming back to real estate, and Stephens Real Estate was an easy decision. My specialty has always been residential sales, with extensive experience in new construction. I can give guidance on what your current home needs to be market ready, help Buyers see the potential in an existing home, or sit with a Builder to help design that new home. Let me put my experience to work for you!

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